Le jeu

Your quest for revenge has brought you this far, where the border of Hell is the most fragile. You will need a full lunar to open a passage and summon the devon that will serve you. But you are not the only one to have had the idea of playing with de dark forces to achieve your purpose. Demonstrate skill, determination and of course spells to ensure the pursuit of your goals.



is a game for 3 to 8 witches which lasts about twenty minutes per game. Game rounds are nothing more then the different phases of the Moon. Each phase of the Moon corresponds to a slot on the summoning circle, and you have Ritual Objects such as Herbs, Minerals and Potions to place on these 8 slots.


If the right combinations of Ritual Objects resonates with the Moons, you pass one of the 3 steps required to summon you demon.

The first witch to compete the summoning ritual wins the game.


Play quickly to leave no respite to your opponents, carefully manipulate the course of this adventure and above all do not let victory escape you!

Resonance règles
Resonance obtenir le jeu