Welcome on board

Efemeris is a strategy game, set in an uchronic Age of Exploration. From 2 to 4 players, the game has 3 modes: a highly competitive duel mode (1Vs1), a collaborative team mode (2Vs2) and a Free-for-all mode (1Vs1Vs1)..

Guided by this thirst for exploration that the earth has never been able to quench, the empires - mastering navigation by the stellar winds - deploy on the celestial vault.
each of them wants to establish its sovereignty over the territories of the firmament.

Fleet commanders extract and trade valuable resources. Firing cannon shots to impose your supremacy, you launch your fleet to conquer the unexplored Planets. Unless you belong to the ones that avoid confrontation?

Either way, hold your colors and lead your Nation to the celestial domination!

2 to 8 players, 10 years and more, 15 minutes per game.
Efemeris composition
Light Hunters Rules book how to play

Efemeris - Celestial domination

Efemeris - Solstice

Digital version

Impatient to try Efemeris? Here is your chance.
We developed a digital version of the game.

Efemeris Nations
Mathurin Hubac Victorine de la Chesnaye Cosme Castel d’Oléron Augustine Cassini


Aníbal Pargo Catalina de Guzmán Isabel da Silva Sebastián de Avilés


Elizabeth Fairborne Cicely Blake Peter Byng Nathaniel Lancaster


Efemeris Efemeris Efemeris Efemeris Efemeris Efemeris Efemeris Efemeris Efemeris Efemeris Efemeris Efemeris

Mathurin Hubac

galleon: l’intrépide

Victorine de la Chesnaye

galleon: le merCure

Cosme Castel d’Oléron

galleon: l’invinCiBle

Augustine Cassini

galleon: l’éole

Aníbal Pargo

galleon: aguila

Catalina de Guzmán

galleon: almanzora

Isabel da Silva

galleon: gran prinCesa de los Cielos

Sebastián de Avilés

galleon: CoraCero

Elizabeth Fairborne

galleon: hms revenge

Cicely Blake

galleon: hms surprise

Peter Byng

galleon: hms Charon

Nathaniel Lancaster

galleon: hms furious

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